Interesting news

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Eversys fully automatic coffee machine

Zollner supplies PCBAs for fully automatic coffee machine

Eversys reproduces the coffee skills of a barista with its fully automatic machines within the expertise of Zollner. Polyscope reported More
The new warehouse in Taicang

Taicang Location Expanded by a Warehouse

The Zollner location in China has a new warehouse which offers more room and automated material management. More
Johann Weber

Johann Weber joins the supervisory board of Zollner Elektronik AG

Although CEO Johann Weber will retire on January 1, 2021, he will remain closely associated with Zollner Elektronik AG as a member of the Supervisory Board. More
The Bavarian lion as a trophy for "Bavaria's Best 50

Zollner Elektronik AG Receives the BAYERNS BEST 50 Award

One of the top companies in the Free State of Bavaria: Zollner Elektronik AG is under the prize winners of the BAYERNS BEST 50 award. More
Production machines of Zollner Elektronik AG

Zollner becomes a Partner of the technological institute TI.KI

Goal: comprehensive application of AI in the company. More
(from left to right): Franz Löffler (District President of the Upper Palatinate and District Administrator of Cham), Hubert Aiwanger (Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs), Martin Eisenhart (SVP Business Development of Zollner Elektronik AG), Zeyad Abul-Ella (Managing Director of HPS Home Power Solutions GmbH).

Serial production of the picea hydrogen power storage system at Zollner

picea, the world's first solar-hydrogen power plant for private households delivers complete energy self-sufficiency and carbon-free electricity. More
Simply stick it on and reliably receive measurement data: The world's smallest wireless sensor, developed by the Norwegian startup Disruptive Technologies and transferred to large-scale production by Zollner Elektronik AG, can also be attached in hard-to-reach places.

Prototype Transferred into Serial Production

Zollner produces world’s smallest wireless sensors for an IoT startup.

The KONUX sensor is mounted directly on the sleeper and continuously measures important parameters such as vibration and acceleration without disturbing the regular traffic flow.

Quick installation kit for IIoT device developed for data collection

Zollner contributes to AI powered predictive maintenance system for rail infrastructure. More
The original date was cancelled due to the Covid 19 pandemic, but with Maske the EN 9100 audit was made up for: DEKRA auditor Echo Chen (center) certified the Zollner colleagues in Taicang as having very good quality management.

Taicang receives Aviation Certification

Zollner Limited China can boast certified quality management for the Aerospace Industry. 


Horizon Impact Award winner 2020

We congratulate and are happy for Berlin Heart with this great award. More