Sustainability – our Future, our World and our Responsiblity

Tomorrow always starts today – as a globally acting company, we affirm our commitment to social responsibility and are firmly invested in advancing our sustainability strategy, activities and goals for positive change and development.

Corporate Sustainability

We accept responsibility for the total impact our corporate activity has on society as well as the environment. This is solidly anchored in our corporate strategy and is a critical part of our corporate culture in order to contribute to sustainable development for ourselves and future generations. The targeted expansion in ESG areas – Environmental, Social and Governance – can be seen in our sense of responsible, future-oriented thinking and acting. As the basis for long-term and trusting collaboration, we also expect adherence to these basic principles of conduct from our partners and that they adhere to them along the entire supply chain.

Zollner Code of Conduct

Sustainable Development Goals

Our sustainability strategy and activities support the goals for sustainable development from the United Nations (SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals). These goals promote strategies to battle illness, inequality, injustice and climate change. In doing so we focus on six goals we can actively influence as a corporate group.

Main focus and goals of our sustainability strategy

Global, company-specific focus points and indicators are defined in our Sustainability Program. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Science Based Target (SBT) roadmap were used as a basis for the creation of our program. The content of our Sustainability Program is structured according to ESG topic areas.

Environmental Sustainability

  • Reduction of environmental impacts to a minimum
  • Emissions as a key topic
    • Deployment of renewable energies
    • Information in the supply chain
  • Communication in the value chain

Our indicators

Social Responsibility

  • Improving social aspects in the corporation
  • Working conditions and human rights
  • Job security and health protection
  • Equal opportunity and equal treatment
  • Protecting our employees and society

Our indicators


  • Visibility and transparency of sustainable corporate management
  • Business ethics and corporate culture
  • Functions and responsibilities
  • Integration into management processes and business relationships

Our indicators

Our commitment

For us, acting sustainably means structuring our working environment and activities such that future generations have a sound basis for work and life. We are also active in committees and networks, like ZVEI and IPC, in order to continuously further develop our sustainability strategy and commitment and forward a mutual, sustainable industry. The following overview shows a selection of current activities in each of the ESG areas at Zollner.

Environmental Sustainability 

  • Photovoltaic systems
  • Wood chip heating
  • Electric vehicles
  • Charging stations for electric vehicles
  • Green energy sourcing
  • Recycling
  • Local-for-Local production

Social Responsibility

  • Promotion of charitable engagement
  • Benefit actions, donations and charity work
  • Modern working environments
  • Numerous health offers
  • Further education and training


  • Sustainability as a goal of management
  • Promotion of sustainable sectors
  • Sustainability in the supply chain
  • Sustainability organization at Zollner
  • SDG consideration in development

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