Interesting news

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Board member Johann Weber at the opening of EBL 2020

Johann Weber Opens EBL 2020

Zollner CEO Johann Weber declared open the “EBL 2020 Electronic Assemblies and PCBs Conference -  Technological Platform for the Digital Transformation”. More
Electrical engineering and information technology student Andreas Federl (l.) and Head of Human Resources Manfred Huber (r.) at the presentation of the Manfred Zollner Award.

Andreas Federl receives the Manfred Zollner Prize

Andreas Federl received the 2019 Manfred Zollner Prize because his Masters Thesis represented a significant step toward battery-free Internet of Things devices. More
8 people during auditing at the Taicang plant

Taicang plant officially audited

After we could reopen our plant in Taicang on Wednesday, 12.2, More
Test station at the entrance in Taicang plant

Coronavirus: Taicang resumes work

The Zollner plant in Taicang is reopened. The work continues under strict safety conditions and not to the full extent. More
Taicang plant in China

Coronavirus has an impact on Zollner

Zollner Electronic (Taicang) Ltd. in Suzhou Prefecture is affected by the measures taken by the Chinese authorities to contain the corona virus. More
Four people at the farewell of Dr. Hans Bell

Zollner at the farewell of Dr. Hans Bell

Many thanks and best wishes for retirement: A Zollner delegation around CEO Johann Weber attended the farewell of Dr. Hans Bell, Rehm Thermal Systems. More
Nine people on the tour of the new clean rooms at the Neukirchen plant by the district administrator of Cham

The Cham District Administrator Surveys the new Cleanrooms in Neukirchen

Cham District Administrator took a look in the two new cleanrooms of Zollner plant in Neukirchen. More
Manfred Huber (l) and Hubert Aiwanger (r) during the visit of the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs from Zollner China

Bavarian Economics Minister visits Zollner China

Hubert Aiwanger visited the Zollner site in Taicang together with representatives of Bavarian companies. More
14 people at the presentation of the innovation award of the district Cham

Zollner takes the Cham Rural District’s Innovation Prize

Their work on a charging system for electromobility has earned Zollner Elektronik AG the “Best Prospects” Innovation Prize. More
Six people at a panel discussion at productronica

productronica: Podium Discussion with Johann Weber

Zollner: Johann Weber joined the EMS Round Table at productronica. The question posed to the members was: “How much digitalization does the EMS Industry need?" More